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Bored Blog 30: Do You Get Carried Away With Big News?


Wow! The 30th blog post on the 30th daaaay. മ ◡ മ

I hope you're all doing well. Keeping up with those new years resolutions right? (-‿◦☀) Hehe, just a little reminder. I have some awesome news, though it's too soon to talk about, so I'm keeping it to myself for a while.

Have you ever jumped the gun when you hear good news?

Say you're a writer, and you get a message that someone is interested in publishing your work and they'd like to meet with you. This is the first time a publisher reached out TO YOU. You would be really excited right? You'd be jumping up and down in celebration for all your hard work.

Then, you spend the next few days before the big meeting imagining your conversation with the publisher. All the compliments they'll give you about your work. You'll then imagine seeing your books in a bookstore, seeing someone on a park bench reading your book and blah blah blah. You keep building it up inside your head until your daydreaming is at the point where random people notice you in a coffee shop and fight each other to have a photo with you...Then all of a sudden - in reality - the publisher bails out on meeting with you. They flutter away with the hours of daydreaming you wasted your time on.

Then a few days later you post a stupid drawing you drew with your left hand on twitter, and that gets thousands of likes and re-tweets. Some people even message you that they'll pay you if you make one for them.

WHAT? There was no effort put into this!

Why does this happen?

It's hard to say. I'm still trying to figure it out...

Maybe life is like your health.

You need a balanced diet to live healthy. So, with the things you want, you need a balance of working hard and letting things be. When to do which is another question lol.

You probably heard of visualizing what you want until it happens. I have a friend who tells me that whenever I meet up with her. I told her once, "When I do that, the thing I visualize doesn't end up happening." She responded with (she's not very religious), "Ask the universe what you want and let it be. It's like when you order food. You only need to say it once. Say it once with a deep sense that it will happen."

Sounds pretty hard right? Our minds just want to keep chewing on ideas and thoughts like gum until you can't taste the flavor anymore. How do you keep your mind from wondering back to what you really want, after you ask God (or the universe) what you want? If I asked my friend this, she'd say, "Build a habit. Think of other things. Focus on other parts of your life."

Hmm, maaaaaybe it's actually like loving a flower? If you truly love it, don't pick it. Let it keep growing. Watering it and keeping the weeds away is alright, just never pick it (and don't over water it). Thinking about it this way, that makes the most sense to me right now. I just need to be busy with other things!

So, while you're waiting to hear back from someone with a great opportunity - know that you should keep doing what you're doing. Keep working on improving that skill of yours. Keep learning new things. Keep meeting up with your friends and family. Work hard and be patient.

Hope this helped.


Emel ^_^

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